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Saturday, 24 September 2011

Soft Drink arise pimple

So far, the ginger known to the public as one of the herbs used for cooking. Ginger is also often used to keep the body warm, especially when cold and cool when ambushed.But did you know that ginger can also make you beautiful?
There are several benefits of ginger to beauty, especially beauty. You can use plain white ginger or ginger red-rich properties that apply to your skin's beauty. What and how? Consider the following tips.
Acne Medication Hey, it turns out ginger can be potent medicine for acne. Take one segment of ginger, carrot and Chinese radish. Puree until the finished juice, then apply as a mask on the face with acne.
Strechmark / White Lines on Skin Ginger is also a powerful way to disguise the white lines on the skin or strechmark. This is usually often experienced by pregnant women or obese women. But it did not rule out skinny women can also use it. You do this by smoothing the way grated ginger and then smeared on sctrechmark. Do not forget to gently rub a little content of ginger to infuse.
Brighten Skin Dull-looking skin can be cleared up with ginger mask. After ginger peeled and washed, grated ginger and mix with sesame oil to taste up to be like a paste. After that, apply to face and leave it up to 10 minutes. After that, rinse your face with clean water. Do not run, because your face can be flushed from the ginger to give the effect of heat on the skin.
Scar Obas Got an annoying blister scars? You can use red ginger pounded with salt to remove the blister scars. Quite topical.
It turned out that many properties of ginger to beauty. One more info,
Nadine Chandrawinata was also fond of taking ginger you know. Hmmm, no wonder her skin pretty ^ ^

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